I never had a chance to choose the man to be my Dad
but I sure thank my lucky stars for the taste my Mother had.
(Author Unknown)


Some of the happiest times of my life
are times you and I spend together.
For deep in my heart I've considered you special
- one of my dearest friends ever.
(Author Unknown)

Into every life a little rain must fall...
...Call me any time you need an umbrella!
(Author Unknown)

Everyone hears what you say.
Friends listen to what you say.
Best friends listen to what you don't say.
(Author Unknown)

A friend is someone who chooses you...
out of a whole world of people.
(Author Unknown)


With the warmest of wishes this just comes to say:
hope that you're feeling much better today.
(Author Unknown)

It won't be long before you're all better
and back to being your same old self again...
I suppose I ought to enjoy this while it lasts.
(Author Unknown)


Age doesn't matter, unless you're cheese.
-John Paul Getty-

A greeting on your birthday
for a very happy day.
And then a year that brings the best
of everything your way.
(Author Unknown)

Extra special wishes for an extra special day:
may you have much happiness in every single way.
(Author Unknown)

Here's a wish for happiness
and many dreams come true.
Not only on your Special Day
but always - all life through.
(Author Unknown)


I love you - just coz.
Please forgive me, I'm soz.
(Author Unknown)

How do I tell you I'm sorry - with a gesture, a look, a touch?
How is it I never realized I hurt you so very much?
(Author Unknown)

Sharing in your sorrow, thinking of you and wishing
I could be there to hold your hand.
(Author Unknown)

May the love of those around you
help you through the days ahead.
(Author Unknown)

May it make your sorrow
easier for you to bear.
Knowing there are others
who understand and care.
(Author Unknown)


Remembering you on Mother's Day
is one of my favourite things to do!
(Author Unknown)

I'm glad I've got you for a mother...
some stranger wouldn't have put up with me this long.
(Author Unknown)


You always do such thoughtful things
that have your special touch.
It certainly was nice of you
so thank you very much!
(Author Unknown)

Just a card to thank you
and a line to tell you too.
Nothing could have been more welcome
than that thoughtful gift from you.
And as the years shall come and go
your gift will give us pleasure,
and bring you back to us again
in memories to treasure.
(Author Unknown)

A loving note can barely say all we felt that magic day.
A heartfelt thanks is sent to you
for your thoughtful gift and wishes too.
(Author Unknown)

'Thanks' seems such a small word
to cover that 'I'll never forget it' feeling.
(Author Unknown)

Thank You doesn't say it all...
but it's a nice alternative to overwhelming you
with so much gratitude and appreciation
that you begin to wish you'd never been so darned nice!
(Author Unknown)

I've never been more pleased...
...and it's all your fault!
(Author Unknown)

You treated me like one of the family...
but thanks anyway!
(Author Unknown)

You've done so many things for me
I don't know where to start...
...Eeny meeny many thanks!
(Author Unknown)